In order to avoid fraud attempts when buying a used vehicle, the State has created a site to find out the history of vehicles.
What is HistoVec?
The French Ministry of the Interior has officially launched the HistoVec site, which provides access to the history of a vehicle. Thanks to this service, the buyer is reassured and the purchase-sale is more fluid between the two parties.
According to a study by the DGCCRF (dating from 2015): half of the sales of used vehicles involve minor or serious fraud! However, in 2018, there were more than 5 million used cars sold, which represents 3 out of 4 transactions.
This is why the State launched HistoVec! This solution allows for better information during transactions, the buyer is informed about:
- The date of the first entry into circulation
- The former owners
- The administrative situation (theft, pledging, etc.)
- Controlled repair claims
So how does HistoVec work?
Two possibilities: you are either a seller or a buyer
The seller connects with his license plate, his personal information and his registration card data. He recovers the data of his vehicle that he can share with the buyer who requests it in advance, he will then have 4 weeks to study the history of the car and make a choice.
As for the buyer, he can use HistoVec to make a request to the owner.
At first, only vehicles with an AA-123-AA license plate were available on the site, but since early 2019 vehicles with a 123-ABC-45 format registration can generate a history, with this setting. up to date, HistoVec becomes really complete.
Awesome isn’t it? And of course the service is free.
The small downside of this service is that the service offers data based on the declarative. But if the seller refuses to publish the data of his vehicle, it is more difficult for him to sell it.
The site will benefit from several innovations in the coming months.
Visit the HistoVec website to find out more about your vehicle: