The rules of two seconds helps keep our distance from the vehicle in front of us. The safety distance has to be respected on any road, at any time.

Two seconds between two cars : safety distance respected

There should be a minimum interval of 2 seconds between the vehicle in front of you and yours. What does that mean in practice? Whatever your route, look at the vehicle in front and align it with a point on the side of the road (a sign, a tree, a portal …) then count the time your turn to align the mark with your own vehicle. If it is less than 2 seconds, then you’re too close and you should slow down.

If you are driving on an expressway or highway, even easier, look for markings on the right side of the roadway. Long white markings will allow you to spot. we must count at least 2 between the preceding vehicle and yours.

You will have sufficient distance to stop and avoid a collision.

Have a safe ride ! (read our other safety tips)


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