The car battery is a centerpiece of your vehicle. It is increasingly sought as many facilities are electric.
How to make your car battery last at most
The battery in your car is a great rechargeable power supplier. The equipment installed or added (GPS, Smartphone, DVD players …) and kilometers reduce its ability to store energy without which your vehicle is stopped.
To preserve maximum, it is important not to apply too much, especially at a standstill. The engine ensures optimal charging over long distances and constant speed regime. In town, be careful not to seek too much battery power consumption with too frequent and too powerful actions. Air conditioning is a major item of electrical consumption. Like the heating in the winter.
Depending on the region, the battery should be replaced every 3-4 years. In any case, power should be checked regularly by a professional. Careful handling of your battery. It contains acid: in the handling, you may cause serious burns. Your professional control easily the battery voltage. Every review must provide the test ticket.
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