When you start driving or even after several years, the highway can be stressful for some. Here are a few tips to manage the motorway entry and exit


When you arrive at the toll, anticipate and look far, to have time to choose the line you will take. Slowly decrease your speed, this will also prevent you from slaloming between the lines. Remember to prepare your ticket and your means of payment (cash, bank card …) or ask your passenger to do it, it’s more careful! Even better, you can also equip yourself with an electronic toll badge and thus not have to rummage in your pockets while driving, it is even more careful.

When the toll is past, it is time to enter the motorway. You are at the beginning of the insertion path, look to the rear left to analyze the traffic. Get closer to the speed of the vehicles already engaged (110kph or 130kph). Prevent your insertion using your left indicator then check again to the left if you have the possibility of inserting yourself. Prefer insertion behind a vehicle rather than in front. Take the place in traffic and favor cruise control if you have one.

You are at the end of your highway trip and it’s time to get out! The first reflex is to fall back on the right lane as soon as you see the sign indicating your exit. A little before the deceleration lane, put your right turn signal. Take this route from the start to avoid any dangers. When you’re on it, slow down respecting the speed. Then apply the advice of arrival at the toll given above …

After reading this tip, you are aware of how to manage motorway entry and exit. You are fully prepared for your next long journey, have a good trip! 


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